5 Tips to help plan for an Interior Photo shoot

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Planning for an interior photo shoot I've found can be fun, daunting, perplexing, exciting, challenging and rewarding all at the same time! So I decided to jot down a few suggestions and tips that I have found helps me to prepare for interior photo shoots with more focus, resulting in a more successful delivery on the day.So lets get going!NUMBER ONEStart with a Theme in MindThis really helps with the planning for an interior photoshoot as I find it helps me to have a story in mind when looking for props, considering colours and materials. The theme could be based on a seasonal event such as Easter, or maybe you have a buzz word that sets off a theme?  A few suggestions might be 'travel', 'afternoon tea' or a describing word such as 'opulence' for example. Or maybe you have a particular prop?I was determined to add my pink high heeled shoes to add punch to my interior styled set up for my Mairi Helena 'Pink Thistle' collection!NUMBER TWOCreate a Mood Board A perfect way to jot down your ideas, thoughts, colours and themes for your interior photo shoot. MOOD BOARDS ARE KEY. I find this is hugely important for gathering inspiration for the shoot and help discover new angles, ideas on composition, styling and props. It also helps to share this mood board with everyone involved in the photo shoot in order to ensure everyone is conjuring up the same thoughts and ideas to help create the same overall look for your room set.

Interior Styling course

living room ideas

NUMBER THREEAdd a Colour PopConsider your colour wheel! It's amazing how careful considering of colours can be extremely effective in delivering a high impact colour pop for your styled interior photo shoot. For example, if you are styling an interior in shades of green, then adding a few red apples to the fruit bowl can act to deliver a powerful, cleverly considered colour highlight.NUMBER FOURMix up the TexturesThis can really help to add interest to your interior styling and photography. For example, maybe you're working in a living room with linen covered furniture and a glass table. Perhaps you could consider adding a variety of textural cushions as highlight accessories, or maybe add a basket of pine cones. Mix up those textures!NUMBER FIVEConsider Fresh Flowers

puffin print cushion

This can be such a simple addition yet help to add such vibrancy, comfort and style all at the same time! I find they really help to make the interior scene feel fresh, alive and homely. I love playing around with styling the flowers - they don't always have to be strategically placed in an obvious vase either. Perhaps you may want to have them tied in a bunch on their side on a table, or scattered. Flowers can also be the perfect opportunity to add further texture or a colour pop to a room set as described above. They're an around favourite addition!So hopefully this has given you a few ideas and photography tips to consider when planning your own interior photo shoot - do let me know how you get on and if you have any ideas to add, just leave a comment below!Good luck!x


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