Colour your home pretty with original artwork together with artist Susan Cook

Looking to add a splash of colour to your walls with unique art this Summer? An abstract piece or scenic landscape? Perhaps a vibrant acrylic or quiet pastels?I'd love to introduce you to Perthshire artist and sculptor Susan Cook who's studio and base in Dunning is a feast for the eyes, a home in which I always feel creatively inspired. It's all in the little details, inside and out, from the pottery bird sitting quietly on the garden fence post to the decorative umbrella that sits over the artists easel, it's a haven of creativity and artistic flair for all colour lovers out there.Susan also happens to be my auntie, which I feel very lucky and proud about. I visited at the weekend with armfuls of my velvet feather cushions in tow and to my delight found a perfect collection of Susan's latest artwork displayed on easels in her studio. I'd love to share a selection of her paintings with you, which may just happen to be the perfect fit for a space on your wall in your own home."Looking towards the Summer Isles" by Susan CookSusan: Inspired by a recent visit to Achiltibuie, I tried to capture the warmth of the sunny day. I applied strong acrylic color directly onto a wood surface, then added different papers and pastel to give texture, trying to keep the urgency of the moment.Heat shimmering off the land!!Featuring alongside my Mairi Helena Pink Thistle lampshade and Harris Green Thistle Velvet Feather Cushion "Tulips in full bloom" by Susan CookSusan: A bunch of Sainsbury's double tulips relaxing in their jug after ten days sparked my imagination for this painting, invigorating my own journey of discovery by creating a technique of building on an emerging surface layer upon layer.Featuring alongside my Mairi Helena Emerald Thistle Velvet Cushion"Flat Cat" by Susan CookSusan: Pattern making using a restricted palette of neutral colors."Color Fusion" by Susan CookSusan: This painting which is a triptych conveying feelings of memories of place. I have applied various paper and pastel to achieve the richness of pattern and light that I am after, the colours sing against each other.I just love styling these beautiful rosy colours along with my Pink Thistle Lampshade, what do you think?!"Just Landed" by Susan CookSusan: Having made a sculpture of these two women with birds, I decided to continue and also paint them. The negative areas around the bodies forming the interest in this painting.This blog highlights just a small selection of Susan's beautiful work. I'd love to know which is your favourite?! The five paintings featured are all for sale and so if you have your eye on one or more of the artworks and would like to know more or to see more examples of Susan's work please do get in touch, I'd love to hear from you.Until next time...


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