An overview of my Interior Design Short Course at the KLC School of Design

Interior Design: The Essentials with KLC School of Design

I’m not long back from a fab week spent at the

KLC School of Design

at The Design Centre and I’m feeling freshly inspired. Not only was it the opportunity to soak up a weeks training dedicated to the essentials of interior design, spacial planning, lighting and textiles to name a few….It was also a chance to be based within the buzz and hubbub of London’s iconic

Design Centre at Chelsea Harbour

and become immersed in the finest fabrics, furnishings and wall coverings on offer. Plus a chance to meet a fresh group of friendly faces all enthusiastically following their passion for interior design.


KLC school of design, design school, interior design short course, KLC courses, interior design short courses, interior design processes, interior design tips, short course on interior design, mood boards, concept boards, planning spaces, textiles, fabrics and furnishings,


Like to know what I got up too?  Then read on to discover my diary from the week’s events and just why I have been left feeling super inspired and turbo charged for all things interior design.


KLC Interior Design Course Diary 

by Mairi Helena




Influences on Design

.A big take home message from today was seeing just how interior design has evolved and what shapes and influences design. A whistle stop tour by the fabulous

Adrienne Chinn

, indicating how design has changed through the decades, highlighting key events and advances in technology which has helped interior design to develop to this day. For example from the Sputnik shapes of the 1950s inspired by space travel to the 'anything goes' attitude of today!.

The Design Process 

.An introduction to initiating the design process and interpreting a client brief. Just where do you start?!

> Concept Boards  


KLC school of design, design school, interior design short course, KLC courses, interior design short courses, interior design processes, interior design tips, short course on interior design, mood boards, concept boards, planning spaces, textiles, fabrics and furnishings,

.Introducing concept boards. Hooray! An excuse to delve through those interior magazines and take great satisfaction in ripping out key images that catch the eye. A perfect exercise to help trigger a starting point to initiating an interior design scheme. We're not talking furniture, carpets or fabrics at this stage. Simply images that your drawn too..

KLC school of design, design school, interior design short course, KLC courses, interior design short courses, interior design processes, interior design tips, short course on interior design, mood boards, concept boards, planning spaces, textiles, fabrics and furnishings,


Top tip taken from today: Don’t over clutter your concept board! No more than three to five images should be more than enough to help lay down a concept for a room scheme. 


KLC school of design, design school, interior design short course, KLC courses, interior design short courses, interior design processes, interior design tips, short course on interior design, mood boards, concept boards, planning spaces, textiles, fabrics and furnishings,

KLC school of design, design school, interior design short course, KLC courses, interior design short courses, interior design processes, interior design tips, short course on interior design, mood boards, concept boards, planning spaces, textiles, fabrics and furnishings,

KLC school of design, design school, interior design short course, KLC courses, interior design short courses, interior design processes, interior design tips, short course on interior design, mood boards, concept boards, planning spaces, textiles, fabrics and furnishings,

Here's our class group efforts:.





A fab introduction to lighting by the knowledgeable lighting designer

Rebecca Weir

. An hour of fast pace, fascinating hot footing on the fundamentals of LEDs, lighting quality, colour rendering and effective ways of layering lighting. What a fascinating topic  - just as well Rebecca’s written a fabulous book 'The Languages of Light'  in which to enthusiastically delve into.


Take home message of the day is just how crucial lighting is to our well being. It’s long been proven that it’s one of our most primitive needs. We’re drawn to light, and automatically seek out the brightest spot in the room without thinking.


t’s therefore crucial to spend time on getting your lighting spot on!


Planning Schemes 


A brilliant grounding in how to consider the planning of a scheme. A methodical approach to walls, ceiling, floors and windows. Consideration comes firstly to the practicality and functionality of a space before launching into the personality and styling. Advice on appreciating the flow through a room and how best to lay out a space, with consideration to the clients brief. Discovery of a scale ruler and how to use it, - revelation in that it's actually not as complicated as it seems!


KLC school of design, design school, interior design short course, KLC courses, interior design short courses, interior design processes, interior design tips, short course on interior design, mood boards, concept boards, planning spaces, textiles, fabrics and furnishings,



Use mirrors to bounce light around a small space

Play with scale

If a scheme has very little pattern, then you must bring in texture into the space

Paint woodwork two tones darker than the walls and it will make the room feel more expensive! 






We’re talking tints, tones and shades!


I’m always left enthralled in seeing how colour can be used so cleverly to effectively define a feature of the room. For example colour can confine and cocoon or open up a space. It can make us feel hot or cold, relaxed or energised.

There’s endless possibilities and this means colour choice can sometimes be a bit fazing. So although I’m not one who usually tends to follow rules, it was refreshing to go back to the colour wheel and learn about how to approach different colour schemes, in the form of harmonious, complimentary, monochromatic, achromatic and neutral scheme to name a few.

KLC school of design, design school, interior design short course, KLC courses, interior design short courses, interior design processes, interior design tips, short course on interior design, mood boards, concept boards, planning spaces, textiles, fabrics and furnishings,

Textiles : Texture, Colour and Pattern 


My favourite part when designing an interior….the fabrics of course! Textiles enable us to introduce colour, pattern and texture to help add personality and style.


An afternoon of great advice on how to combine fabrics as well as a run through of consideration to different textiles and their qualities.


KLC school of design, design school, interior design short course, KLC courses, interior design short courses, interior design processes, interior design tips, short course on interior design, mood boards, concept boards, planning spaces, textiles, fabrics and furnishings,



When picking fabrics, choose one as a fundamental grounding colour

Balance bold prints with areas of solid colour 

Add drama with pattern 

Vary your textures! 



Sample Boards


A step on from the concept board developed earlier in the week. An overview of how to present the main elements  and materials of your scheme in a professional, stylish way. We’re talking flooring, wall coverings, trimmings, furniture and accessories.

KLC school of design, design school, interior design short course, KLC courses, interior design short courses, interior design processes, interior design tips, short course on interior design, mood boards, concept boards, planning spaces, textiles, fabrics and furnishings,


Top Tips I learnt about sample boards: Proportion is the key! Consider your balance between materials and pay careful attention to scale when displaying your proposed materials i.e. position as they would relate to each other in the room. 


KLC school of design, design school, interior design short course, KLC courses, interior design short courses, interior design processes, interior design tips, short course on interior design, mood boards, concept boards, planning spaces, textiles, fabrics and furnishings,


Inspirational Talk 


An afternoon inspirational talk from interior designer

Catherine Fox of Indigo Acre

introducing us to her intriguing working life as an interior designer. As Catherine revealed some of of latest portfolio, it really helped to emphasise just how widely diverse the application of interior design can be. From designing the interior of a party van to the race tracks of Monaco!




Pulling it all together 


An opportunity to explore the abundant showrooms of the

Design Centre

, pulling together fabrics and furnishings based on ideas drawn from earlier concept boards


I decided to focus my concept and sample board on an up coming hotel interior project and here’s a sneak peak of the results


KLC school of design, design school, interior design short course, KLC courses, interior design short courses, interior design processes, interior design tips, short course on interior design, mood boards, concept boards, planning spaces, textiles, fabrics and furnishings,

KLC school of design, design school, interior design short course, KLC courses, interior design short courses, interior design processes, interior design tips, short course on interior design, mood boards, concept boards, planning spaces, textiles, fabrics and furnishings,


You’ll just have to watch this space to find out more!


In Summary


An expert guide through the design process to planning spaces, exploring texture and pattern to sample board scenarios. It’s been an enlightening week. I’ve thoroughly enjoyed my gentle steer in the direction of interior design.


Thank you

KLC School of Design

for helping me to ignite my light.


KLC school of design, design school, interior design short course, KLC courses, interior design short courses, interior design processes, interior design tips, short course on interior design, mood boards, concept boards, planning spaces, textiles, fabrics and furnishings,


Considering a short course at


and want to find out more?


To find out more about

KLC’s interior design short courses, certificates and diplomas

then do check out their website which highlights further information including

their course calendar



Until next time...

KLC school of design, design school, interior design short course, KLC courses, interior design short courses, interior design processes, interior design tips, short course on interior design, mood boards, concept boards, planning spaces, textiles, fabrics and furnishings,


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